Postgraduate Diploma

At the end of the academic year, successful students are awarded the Asian College of Journalism’s prestigious Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Financial Journalism. Students’ work is evaluated continuously throughout the year, and there is no final examination. A specific number of credits is assigned to each course, and the student’s performance in each is given a grade.

First Division 90 % and above
85 – 89 %
80 – 84 %
A Plus
A Minus
High Second Division 75 – 79% B Plus
Second Division 70 – 74 %
65 – 69 %
B Minus
Third Division 60 – 64 %
55 – 59 %
50 – 54 %
C Plus
C Minus
Fail Below 50 % F

Students are expected to attend every lecture and workshop and to submit assignments on time. In a programme of this nature and duration there is little opportunity for makeup work. A 100 per cent level of attendance is mandatory for each course and in each term and exemptions will be given only in rare cases. Absences will be excused only in case of serious illness certified by a medical doctor.

Deadlines set for assignments will be strictly followed. Work submitted beyond stipulated deadlines will not be assessed. Accordingly, applicants should be prepared for a regime of hard work with little respite, although there will be time built in for critical reflection.

Plagiarism, which will be clearly defined at the outset, is a serious offence in journalism and in any form of writing or publishing. There will be academic procedures to investigate complaints of plagiarism. A student found guilty of the offence of plagiarism will be disqualified from receiving her or his diploma and is liable to be expelled from the college.

For serious students, the hard work required by the programme brings lasting rewards, preparing them for a lifetime of excellence in their chosen profession.